Helping Pharmaceutical companies

to improve patient adherence & patient health outcomes.


Globally, poor patient adherence has been identified as being a critical public health issue reaching an average of only 50% in developed countries for chronic conditions. Developing nations display a much lower average. Pharmaceutical companies are well aware of the negative impacts of patient non-compliance & seek new, effective ways to combat this issue. Patient adherence & support activity is now growing rapidly in the pharmaceutical industry in an effort to address non-adherence.

The term "non-adherence" covers a wide variety of behaviors including: non-completion of prescriptions, forgetting to take medication, deliberate under-dosing or failure to take medication, over-medication, taking the wrong medication, taking the right medication at the wrong time, taking someone else's medication or hoarding old medications for a later date.

  • 20% of all prescriptions that are written are never filled.
  • Up to 60% of all medication prescribed is taken incorrectly, or not at all.
  • 90% of elderly patients make some medication errors, and 35% make potentially serious errors.

Today, corporate accountability calls for a more patient centric approach beyond the pharmacy counter. Critical to successful therapy outcomes is therapy continuity that can be achieved through patient management strategies, for which core is patient adherence to medication prescriptions.

BIOAXIS Healthcare's services for orthodox patient management & adherence include the following categories.

Patient Support & Adherence Programs

Improve your patients’ quality of life and reinforce product confidence. Apply now new methods to maximize your patient compliance and enhance your product’s effectiveness.

Patient support line (Call centre)

Our patient support line aims to provide the support that patients suffering from chronic conditions need.

Disease Management & Monitoring

Improve your patients’ quality of life and reinforce product confidence. Apply now new methods to maximize your patient compliance and enhance your product’s effectiveness.

Medication delivery & reminder services

BIOAXIS Healthcare successfully launched the first-ever Drug Refill centre for Greece & the surrounding Balkan region.

Patient adherence training seminars

BIOAXIS Healthcare, with its years of experience & know-how in the area of patient management & medication adherence, has developed patient adherence training seminars for key industry stakeholders to ensure they are effectively informed, educated & up-to-date regarding patient management & its latest developments.

e-Health Solutions

BIOAXIS Healthcare has turned its attention to the offer of holistic e-Health solutions that aim to satisfy the modern-day needs of its clients.

Medication Adherence Consulting

Globally, poor patient adherence has been identified as being a critical public health issue reaching an average of only 50% in developed countries for chronic conditions. Developing nations display a much lower average.

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